Welcome to the Culture Collective


Culture Collective is USA for UNHCR’s community initiative which showcases excellent films, books, music, and other forms of art and culture by refugees and about refugees’ experiences.

At the Culture Collective, you’ll find the tools and resources to inspire action in your community and help grow support for refugees in the U.S. Join us and contribute your action and voice in support of refugees globally and newly resettled refugees in our communities.


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Featured Content

Danny Ocean at The Kennedy Center

This World Refugee Day, UNHCR, in collaboration with The Kennedy Center, presents Danny Ocean—a Venezuelan singer, refugee advocate and UNHCR high profile supporter.

featured image of Danny Ocean at The Kennedy Center

Featured Content: February 2024

Sisters' Entrance

Sisters’ Entrance is a collection of poetry by Sudanese American poet Emi Mahmoud that explores themes of genocide, diaspora, racism and Islamophobia.

featured image of Sisters' Entrance

Featured Content: August 2023


Wandering is a captivating and poetic documentary about Kutupalong refugee camp - the largest refugee camp in the world with nearly one million Rohingya refugees.

featured image of Wandering